Ballora, FunFox, and Funfred are all in here together. The other two just can’t talk
Hush hush… he has an inside voice!
Ma’am, your he/it gnawed on his leash and broke free..
A little more reserved than Freddy was, but only a little
Funtime and Ballora advise Molten on what should be done, and Freddy acts.
It hates Baby, rightfully so. The basement was better than this. It’s nice not being shocked though
Can sort of.. Spread out and flatten across a wall. Just a layer of wire across the room. He can’t see everything his wires cover, but he can feel it if something touches them. Like a spider's web
Tangles things up like a snake and squeezes the life outta em. That and a little sprinkle of electrocution for flavor
its teeth are literally screws
Has 6 eyes, and can see you better than you think. The light in the Freddy mask is just to distract prey.
Laughs at everything, even if it really isn't funny
Divine Madness
It wants back inside.